Thursday 5 January 2012

Water birds.

Yesterday, late afternoon, the dam just below the cottage resembled a water bird convention, with a least five species present.

Click on photos to enlarge.

A pair of yellow bill ducks, (Anas undulata).

The photo above I took two days ago. Shows the ducks feather pattern clearly.

A family group of spurrwinged geese, (Plectropterus gambensis). 

The family leave suddenly, Dad is out of picture on the right.

Egyptian goose, (Alopochen aegyptiaca).This is the gander and he is supposed to be on guard, as the female and one gosling were swimming  among the reeds nearby. Actually looks like his sleeping, eyes closed and standing on one leg.

A pair of white faced ducks (Dendrocygna viduata). Also known as the whisteling duck

While these two were watching me Lady was sneaking up behind them through the long grass. They spotted her and made a short, startled flight into the water.

Red knobed coot. Took this photo about a month ago, there are two pairs that live on this small piece of water. Noisy quarrelsome  birds, always fighting with the neighbours. 


Jo said...

Wow Phil! What a lovely collection of waterbirds. People don't always appreciate them and yet they are so interesting. I can imagine Lady seeing the yummy bird beneath those feathers, ha-ha. Love and blessings,Jo

eileeninmd said...

Hi, what a great collection of ducks and geese. I would love to see all them but for now I enjoyed your photos. Have a great day!

Mark Kautz said...

We have some Coots (I have no idea what kind) that hang out at Lake Camanche and are always squabbling over some piece of lake weed. Noisy little critters.
