Friday 16 December 2011

Global warming / Climate change.

  The truth about sea levels? They’re always fluctuating.

Last week saw the close of the UN’s COP 17 climate conference here in Durban. Everyone who thought they were anyone was there. Once again the spectre of global warming and the resultant rising sea levels were used to try and scare everyone into toeing the environmentalist line. Nothing specific was agreed as to how to combat this supposed threat, except some vague dates to achieve something in the future. As one of our newspapers said, “The only good thing about COP17 is that it’s over.”

Our government spent millions to host this event, the city of Durban was disrupted for weeks, all so that our President, cabinet ministers and others could spout a lot of hot air. We were told that the conference would be good for the local economy, but the only ones who really benefited were the prostitutes who flocked to Durban in their droves, (as they always do when such conferences take place) .

*The title above comes from an article in The Spectator of 3 December, 2011 (, This article was written by Nils-Axel Morner of Stockholm University who has been studying sea levels for 45 years.

Morner writes, “My latest project was a field expedition to India, to the coast of Goa, combining observations with archeological information. Our findings were straightforward: there is no ongoing sea level rise. The sea level there has been stable for the last 50 years or so, after falling some 20cm in around 1960: it was well below the present level in the 18th century and some 50 to 60cm above the present in the 17th century. So it is clear that sea levels rise and fall entirely independently of so called “climate change””.

Morner further says that the term “sea level”, is a misnomer.
He writes further, “You need to think not of a constant, level surface, but of an agitated bath where the water is slopping back and forth. This is a dynamic process. In 900 AD, for example, the high level was in Tanzania and the low was in Peru; a century later this was reversed. It is also often forgotten that while sea levels may rise and fall (“eustasy”), so to may the land mass itself (“isostasy”)”.  

A bit further in the article he writes, 
“We must learn to take the environmentalists’ predictions with a pinch of salt. In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programme predicted that climate change would create 50 million refugees by 2010. That was last year; where are those refugees? And where are those sea level rises? The true facts are found by measuring nature itself, not in the IPCC’s computer-generated projections. There are many urgent natural problems to consider on Planet Earth – Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions not the least among them. But the threat of rising sea levels is an artificial crisis”.

The so called threat of “global warming”, is now a very entrenched part of Liberal fundamentalism creed, which will be used by governments all over the world to exert more control and impose more taxes on the man in the street.

Google, Nils-Axel Morner, for more information.

Nils-Axel Morner was head of paleogeophysics and geodynamics at Stockholm University (1991-2005), president of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution, (1999-2003), leader of the Maldives sea level project, (2000-11), chairman of the INTAS project on geomagnetism and climate (1997-2003)

1 comment:

Gorges Smythe said...

If we live long enough, the worry will go back to "global cooling" as it was 50 years ago. I guess this is what happens when people can get a lot of information, but lack the brains to know what to do with it.