Saturday 10 March 2012

Cautiuos bird.

Every morning I scatter bird seed on the lawn. Within minutes the lawn is covered with birds, some are already waiting for me when I appear at the front door with their daily treat. 

Click on photos to enlarge.

Above a male Village weaver, (Ploceus cucullatus).This bird was very cautious in his approach.

Having a good look to make sure the coast is clear.

Getting very close, everything still seems OK.

Let me have another look to make doubly sure.

The reason for his caution is this Pin-tailed wydah. This bird has declared my yard his domain and spends most of his time attacking other birds that dare to approach.



Mark Kautz said...

Hi Phillip. You have some really colorful birds in your area. Ours are just brown.


eileeninmd said...

Wow, gorgeous birds and photos. Your weaver looks very similar to our Orioles. Have a great weekend!

Desiree said...

Your pictures are splendid, Phillip!

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, too bad for the other birds, Phillip, although that wydah who has adopted you is rather splendid. What do Cat and the dogs think of him?