Thursday, 11 October 2012

More beach scenes.

"Photography is a marvellous discovery, a science that has attracted the greatest intellects, an art that excites the most astute minds - and one that can be practised by an imbecile.
... What cannot be taught is the feeling."

French photographer Gaspard Felix Tournachon. ('Nadar').

Today we take photography for granted, most people in the so called "Developed World", and even the not so developed world, own a camera. Back then in photography's infancy it really caught the imagination of people. Gaspard Felix Tournachon, who signed his photographs with the name 'Nada", said that the basics of photography could be taught in an hour, the techniques in a day, to anyone, the art of photography was something that could not be taught. You either had it or you didn't.

While in Port Edward recently I tried to take photographs that were not just snapshots, mostly I failed, but a few almost made the grade.

Click to enlarge.

Taken directly into the sun, fortunately the sun was slightly obscured by a cloud. I also covered the front of the camera lens with the lens from a pair dismantled  polarised sunglasses lens. 

The rocks are still damp from the receding tide.

Rocky ledges and tidal pools. 

The rocky point on the right are know by the locals as splash rocks, at high tide the waves crash high up against them.

The early morning sun was just at the right angle from the left to bring out the rough texture of the sandstone.

Clear warm water, a nice place to wade out with a salt water fly fishing outfit and try ones luck

These tidal pools hold myriads of small fish, crabs, small lobsters and baby octopus under the ledges. It always amazes me how these small creatures survive the pounding of the surf over these rocks when the tides in. 


Mark Kautz said...

Fun. Nothing like a day wandering along the shore. Lots of good stuff to see and find.

Joyful said...

Beautiful photos, Phillip.

I notice circles in the sand (photo 3 from the top). Are those made by sand dollars or something else?

Jo said...

Eish, Phil, those are stunning photos. I must remember to cover my camera lens with another lens next time I point at the sun! Amazing how photography has become "anyone's game" today. Remember how I was the only one in the family who took photos with the family Kodak camera. I was often told not to "waste" the spool. Only take photos of people and the people had to stand still and pose. I LOVE modern technology and the fact that I can now take zillions of photos of anything and everything! Love and blessings. Jo