Sunday 26 June 2011

Winter days

Today was one of those perfect winter days we have here in this part of the world. The temperature in the mornings, here in our district, have ranged from -2 degrees Celcius to -6 degrees. And some places have had very hard frost. Here where I live, on a north facing slope, it hasn't been so bad, although yesterday my dogs water dish, was surrounded by a hallo of ice from splashes of the dripping tap.

The air is literally like champagne, so fresh and exhilerating, and the sky an unbeleiveable blue. I tried to capture this blue of the sky in the following photos.

Click on photos to enlarge.

Took this photo looking north, but the sun in the west washes out some of the blue in the sky.

This photo was taken east, south east. and the blue of the sky is more pronounced. The trees in the left of the picture should have very few leaves at this time, but the late rains and lack of frost has kept them green, even the lawn is still green. The shrub in foreground is a succulent that flowers in the winter. Certain small birds love to nest in it's thick foliage.

This last photo taken through the bare branches of the mulberry tree really show how blue the sky was today.

This last photo is a repeat of the one above, but taken about an hour later at sunset, just liked the contrasts between shadow and light.


Gorges Smythe said...

Good photos. Sunset has always been my favorite time of day.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Oh the serenity, I love the look and I believe the feel of being there is Heavenly. Great place to live Phillip.

Jo said...

Phew, Phil, those are beautiful shots of the sunset. Have you seen the birds' nests in that succulent? Love and blessings, Jo xxx