Saturday, 15 September 2012

Cool misty weather.

Since yesterday we have had a soft rain falling with low clouds. Took the dogs for an early morning walk and took theses misty photos.

This sort of weather is known here as "keeza", the Zulu term for soft mist rain.

Zoomed in a bit closer with the camera vertical. After the good rains we had a week ago everything is turning green.

The ponds seen in the top right corners are filled with treated, waste water from the Masonite factory in town. Because the water is stained a dark brown, (although otherwise quite fine), it gets pumped to these ponds and then sprayed with irrigation sprayers onto the grass, using the soil as a filter.  

A farmer friend of mine rents the land around the ponds from Masonite and grazes cattle there. He says the cattle get fat from grazing there without any additional "licks" or extra feed, so the water is obviously good for the grass. The cattle drink the water from the ponds with no ill effects.


OneStonedCrow said...

I love this type of misty weather - only in small doses though ...

... great pics, you live in a stunning part of the world ...

e.m.b. said...

"keeza" matches perfectly...
And I love your new header....such beautiful country!

e.m.b. said...

"keeza" matches perfectly...
And I love your new header....such beautiful country!

Gorges Smythe said...

Cooler here too for a change. LIKE it!