Tuesday 10 May 2011


Winter is really making itself felt here, well maybe some of you might not call it winter. Last night the temperature dropped to 10 degrees Celsius, after reaching a high of 18, with a cold south wind blowing. This morning started of cold but warmed to about 20 degrees C. At the moment it's overcast and looks as if it's going to rain.

Sunday was a bright sunny day with a very cold south wind blowing. In the winter the whole weather pattern shifts north, which means that the Antarctic's  weather  move north to, closer to us.

Coming home from church on Sunday I took this photo of the Drakensberg shrouded in cloud. Tried to use the zoom on my cell phone, obviously didn't work too well. 

Shot of the Berg just a bit further north.

My three small dogs, Thombi, Lady and Sissie, seeking the sun against the north wall of the cottage. My landlord says he's going to paint this wall soon, (he's been saying that for about three years now).

Looks as if we will have snow soon on the Berg. If you're a trout fisherman yo pray for lots of snow on the Berg. Lots of snow means good stream levels in the spring and good fishing. Our snow does not all melt at once in the spring but continuously during the winter, so you don't get excessive run off in spring making streams un-fish able. 


Pat Tillett said...

Great photos of a big beautiful area...

Kay L. Davies said...

Your cell phone photos look like paintings, Phillip. They remind me of famous Canadian artists known as "The Group of Seven".
20 degrees C is my favourite outdoor temperature. 18 and 19C are nice, too. Neither too hot nor too cold.
Here the temperatures range from -35C in the winter to +35C in the summer. When the snow melts, we have flooding!
I love the photo of your dogs, and I have to remind myself that a north-facing wall is warm in winter in South Africa.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Phillip said...

Yes Kay, I also thought they looked a bit like paintings.