Saturday, 22 October 2016

Fibonaci Spiral

Mathematics has been around since before man learned how to use his fingers to count to 10, (I was always under the impression that it had been invented by sadistic teachers to torture math's illiterates like myself) the whole of the universe is one great mathematical equation, and the Fibonaccci spiral is part of it.

Fibonacci an 15th century  Italian mathematician who discovered this spiral.

For those of you who are not mathematically illiterate like myself, above the spiral and the maths formula that goes with it.

In the left of the picture is a diagram of how it looks and a close up photo of a flower where you can see the spirals clearly, 34 to the right and 21 to the left.

Fibonacci spiral in a hurricane moving over what looks to me like Florida below.

In a spiral galaxy.

In a snail's shell. Look closely at things, another of millions of examples, is a pine cone.

Photos and diagrams from Wikipedia.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Up close and persona.

Used my magnifying lenses (not quite macro) and got this shot. Magnification x 6.

Click to enlarge.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

End of an era.

All good things come to an end eventually. After nine years of teaching Drakensview Primary School, the governing body decided that all teacher 65 years and over had to go, well I was nearing the end of my 68th year so I was one of three that had to go. The first two years that I was there I taught English and History to grade 7, at the beginning of 2009 I took over the library. I have had no formal teacher training, lots experience though (been teaching since 1996) but I do have two library degrees a B.Bibl degree in Library and Information Science, a four year degree, and I have a post graduate Honours Bachelor of Library Science (B.Bibl Hons) from the University of South Africa, (UNISA) a distance learning institute. 

I enjoyed every day that I worked at Drakensview, I can't remember one day where I thought I'm not in the mood to face another day at school, work was a pleasure! Actually I can't remember one job in my working life that I didn't enjoy.

Come end of year and at the last assembly of the year for the Foundation Phase, gd's 1 - 3, I was invited to attend and given a certificate and a gift bag full of goodies.

Click on image to enlarge.
Above is the certificate I was given, if you enlarge the image and look in the bottom left hand corner you will see Worm Fixations and right at the bottom left Glow-worm. This refers to a comment I made in November. On the 3rd of December I had to go to hospital for what the medical profession calls a "procedure", in real English an operation. The "procedure" was Brachy-therapy, which is where they implant radio active pellets into the prostate glad to combat prostate cancer, (seems to have worked). Well before I went in for the "procedure", I told everyone in the staff room during tea time one day that when I'm radio active I will have a Light Sabre like Luke Sky-Walker in Star Wars, and at night when I go to toilet I won't have to switch on any lights, all I need to do is take out my Light Sabre and light my way. Someone muttered under their breath, "he means his glow-worm". Who needs enemies when you've got friend like that.

Above is the gift bag specially made for me, the fish and the lettering were cut out and carefully pasted on to the bag.

At our year end function at one of the posh Berg hotels I was presented with this clock. Here again all the letters and numbers were carefully cut out and glued onto the clock face. This was done by one of the school secretaries, Lindy Naude, in her spare time at home. To say that I was deeply touched by these tokens of affection would be putting it mildly.

I will write about my new career in a following post, just to say I'm now a member of the SAVF. What is the SAVF? The SAVF is an NPO (non profit charity organisation) that has almost 400 institutions under it's wing, old age homes, frail care centers, orphanages, creches, etc,. And what do the letters SAVF stand for? Suid Afrikaanse Vroue Federasie, translation South African Women's Federation, founded in 1903. Google SAVF South Africa for the whole history.

How come a man is member of a women's organisation, as I said more about that later just to say I'm still involved in education.

Sunday, 5 June 2016


When you look at a photo sometimes what you see is not always what really was, with photo editing programs you can do wonderful things.

Click on photo to enlarge.

The photo above is actually the blending of two separate photos, I also enhanced the colours  a bit. Below are the two photos I used to create the one above.

This is the flower on the left in the first photo, here the change in colour is very noticeable.

This is the flower on the right.

This photo is as it was taken. 

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Garden flowers.

These photos are of flowers that grow on the edge of my front veranda, how they got there I don't know, but I enjoy them very much. Don't ask me what the name of this flower is, I just don't know, maybe someone out there can tell me.

Click on the photos to enlarge.

The photo above was taken two weeks ago. The rest were taken day before yesterday.

All these photos were taken in the middle of the day in bright sunlight. Not the best time of day to take photos according to the experts.

The secret is to under expose, my exposure was set for the light coming of the flower itself, not the background, which is much darker . I used a Canon  85mm zoom lens with the camera on a tripod and zoomed in up close.

One can't believe that a common fly can have beauty, but enlarge this photo and look at the fly in the middle of this flower.

My F stop for all these photos was F20, gives a nice depth of field, with a very high shutter speed. The fast shutter speed excludes most of the background clutter.

For most of the photos I was down low, actually sitting on the ground.