Sunday, 12 August 2012

Sondela re-visited.

I have just returned home after spending five wonderful days at Sondela with Wim and Estelle. 

Click to enlarge.

Bushveld sunrise.

Welcome mat at the door but they won't let me in.

When I returned from my early morning walk on Thursday morning this guy was standing at the glass sliding doors, he only left after I fed him a banana. This Nyala bull is extremely tame and not at all aggressive, but I was very cautious while I edged my way passed him into the house. Those horns a razor sharp and one playful but of the head can do serious damage. 

After I edged my way passed him I took this photo from the inside. Enlarge this photo to see how sharp his horns really are.

Below some birds I photographed at Sondela.

Blue Waxbill.

Violet-eared Waxbill's at the back and a pair of Scaley-feathered finches in front. These little birds are extremely small, hardly bigger than a mans thumb.

1 comment:

Mark Kautz said...

Wow, the Waxbill's look about Wren size. Sharp horns.
